Technische Hochschule Augsburg – TTZ

Represented on the test track: No

The Technology Transfer Centre (TTZ) Data Science and Autonomous Systems at Augsburg University of Applied Sciences in Landsberg am Lech was established on 7 February 2023 by the Bavarian state government and is funded as part of the Hightech Agenda Bayern. The premises are provided by the district and the town of Landsberg am Lech.

The TTZ Data Science and Autonomous Systems has two locations in Landsberg am Lech. Firstly, a seminar and office building in the new “Am Papierbach” urban quarter (An der Schmiede 21) and secondly, a research hall with co-working spaces in the “Industrial MakerSpace” (Am Penzinger Feld 15), which offers opportunities for research work in a real workshop environment as well as work and meeting rooms.

The team comprises six professors and 13 research assistants (as at 06/2024) who, together with cooperation partners, are researching projects on data science and autonomous driving and developing new technologies. The research results are applied directly in companies in the region. The joint research projects include:

“NeMo.bil”: Development and testing of a mobility system with cooperating vehicles for individualised public transport – funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK)
“Real Driving Validation (RDV)”: R&D work to expand the verifiability of continuous SW integration in communication with vehicles in the field – funded as part of the BMWi programme “New Vehicle and System Technologies”

“Environment perception in the urban environment” for automobiles: R&D work on processing sensor data for recognising and classifying objects, lane recognition and free-space segmentation – funded as part of the AI production network of Augsburg University of Applied Sciences / Hightech Agenda Bayern

However, the TTZ in Landsberg am Lech is not only used for research and development, but also offers seminars as well as training and further education opportunities for students at Augsburg University of Applied Sciences and employees of companies:

“Data Science Study Programme Work & Study”: companies can provide prospective specialists with practical training as part of Work & Study at TTZ Landsberg am Lech. Regular events are organised to address companies and students.
“Data Science Advisory Board”: The Data Science Advisory Board was established in 2024 to promote dialogue between research, teaching and practice.

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Technische Hochschule Augsburg – Technologietransferzentrum (TTZ) Data Science und Autonome Systeme
An der Hochschule 1
86161 Augsburg